
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Help! A Pendant for Me

I decided to make a custom pendant from Suddenly Sudden. And this morning, they sent me 2 design that i request before. Both of them is zuper unique. Love! Which one should i choose?

Butter Bunny
Butter Fly

I choose butterfly. Hehehe. I think those butter-bunny is too much for a pendant, so ask the designer to make it into a book cover. Yeay! This pendant quiet pricey, but it's worth. :D

design credit by Suddenly Sudden


  1. Yang kedua cantik banget pendant-nya XD

  2. oh, thats a pretty pendant dear, thats cute...i love the second ones..hehe...oh, anw, thanks for visiting my blog, oh, soal wedding post itu, wah, itu juga buru2 amat tuh persiapannya..in 2 months everything needs to be done...aku merit sebulan sebelum resepsi, jadinya ga punya waktu buat bikin gede2an..lagian all my friends already moved out from the city, jadinya yg diundang yang masih di Surabaya plus kebanyakan family aku..cuman 100 orang! haha...trus, bikin undangan ama diy juga buru2 abis...pokoknya hectic deh..hihih..thanks for the comment lho...=D i am your new follower..stay in touch!=D
