
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dalam Doaku

Dalam doaku subuh ini kau menjelma langit yang
semalaman tak memejamkan mata, yang meluas bening
siap menerima cahaya pertama, yang melengkung hening
karena akan menerima suara-suara

Ketika matahari mengambang tenang di atas kepala,
dalam doaku kau menjelma pucuk-pucuk cemara yang
hijau senantiasa, yang tak henti-hentinya
mengajukan pertanyaan muskil kepada angin
yang mendesau entah dari mana

Dalam doaku sore ini kau menjelma seekor burung
gereja yang mengibas-ibaskan bulunya dalam gerimis,
yang hinggap di ranting dan menggugurkan bulu-bulu
bunga jambu, yang tiba-tiba gelisah dan
terbang lalu hinggap di dahan mangga itu

Maghrib ini dalam doaku kau menjelma angin yang
turun sangat perlahan dari nun di sana, bersijingkat
di jalan dan menyentuh-nyentuhkan pipi dan bibirnya
di rambut, dahi, dan bulu-bulu mataku

Dalam doa malamku kau menjelma denyut jantungku,
yang dengan sabar bersitahan terhadap rasa sakit
yang entah batasnya, yang setia mengusut rahasia
demi rahasia, yang tak putus-putusnya bernyanyi
bagi kehidupanku

Aku mencintaimu.
Itu sebabnya aku takkan pernah selesai mendoakan

(Sapardi Joko Damono, 1989, kumpulan sajak
“Hujan Bulan Juni”)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

another quiz

1. What is more difficult: looking into someones eyes when telling how you feel, or looking into someones eyes when they tell you how they feel?

the first one

2. Think of the last time you were angry. Why were you angry?

did i ever get angry guys..? :p

3. If you could do anything OR wish anything, what would it be?

i wish i could be more arrogant, more taft, and of course, SKINNER!

4. You can have one of the following two things: trust or love.

love. There's no love without trust. :p

5. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?


6. What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?

i don't love them back

7. Romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them?

a second ago. ;p

8. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, if you HAD to, even if you have “no regrets” what would you change?

idk. i regret a lot of thing yet thanksfull too..

9. When and how was the last time you told someone how you REALLY feel?


10. How old were you when you had your first relationship?

14 or 15

11. Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?

i'll let no one to call me baby or babe. (emang g BABI)

12. Anyone crushing on you?

who knows?

13. What is your relationship status?

enggaged? :p

14. Has anyone ever sang to you

yes. :D

15. Has anyone ever given you roses?


16. Who do you text the most?

my best boy

17. First person to text today?

my best boy

18. What is your favorite color?


19. What color are your eyes?

black? sometimes green. ahahhaha

20. What is a compliment you receive often?

aneh.. T.T

21. Who was the last person to say they loved you?

my best boy of course. hahahahha

22. Do you secretly like someone?

nowaday, i don't think it's a secret..:p

23. Why did your last relationship end?

he's a jerk and a asshole

24. Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?

sleep of course!

25. Do you look more like your mom or your dad


26. Can you do splits?


27. Are you flexible?


28. What did you do on New Years Eve?

watching tv with Orlando Bloom and Jhonny Deep, hahhaa

29. Can you speak any other language than English?


30. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

10-11 hours.

31. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?


32. Are you scared of flying?

i'm pretty sure i'll love to fly

33. Do you like funny people or serious people?


34. What do you have planned for tonight?


35. Are you happy right now?

not really

36. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?


37. Who makes you happiest right now?

to sleep as soon as possible

38. What were you doing at midnight last night?


39. Are you left handed?

i'm righty one

40. do you want to get married & have children one day?

who'll say no?

quiz. :)

Are you in a relationship?

How long have you been in a relationship with this person?
5 months and 23 days

Are you completely happy with the person you’re with?
sometimes yes and sometimes no, but i don't think i can be much more happy without him (now)

are you in love?
definetely YES, i'm still falling, nd much deeper tham before. :p

Do your friends like your partner?
not really. :'(

Does anyone around you NOT support the relationship?
idk. hopes there's no one

Have your parents met your partner?
my mom yes, daddy haven't

Are you happier single or in a relationship?
another DEFINETELY in a relationship. :p

Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?
no, i'm the annoying one sometimes. hahahaha

Have you and your partner ever broken up and gotten back together?

Do you want to get married?
is there any woman who don't want to get married?

Would you ever leave the person you are with?
not at the time i'm still falling

Do you regret any of your past relationships?

Would you ever date your best male/female friend?
not for this time. :)

Would you believe your ex if she/he said they love you?
i'll said "FUCK YOU"

Have u ever flirted with a friends crush?
yes.. hehehehe

Ever liked someone else’s boyfriend or girlfriend?
yes. :')

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
depends on

What is the biggest age gap you have dated?
2 years, 4 months and 22 days

Have you dated people who were not good to you?
absolutely not.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Swiming and swinging..

tadi berenang bertiga ma Agung & Nicola. Sayang banget ga ad foto2 tadi. Huhuhuhu..

It's been a long time since the last time three of us having fun together. And i really miss that togetherness with them. So today is a very special day to me. :)

seneng banget rasanya, bisa gigit2an, piting2an brg Agung lagi, trus bareng2 juga gangguin ma bully2 Nicola. Bisa ketawa b3, becanda b3. Oh my God, i really love every moment spend with them. :*

sayang banget gara-gara pengakuan dosa dari g ma nic, suasanannya jadi sedikit ga enak. Grrr.. Ntah ya harus nyalahin sapa. Tapi g sebel ma tu mahluk.

Plis deh, jadi orang sekya amat sih. Umur doang tua, kelakuan kayak anak kecil, gede ambek. Kalo g ga inget u pernah brapa kali minjemin bahu pas g nangis, uda g kutuk2 u. Lagian jadi otang ngeselin banget. Untungnya lagi u bukan cowo g. Phiuw.. Thank God. Untung banget crush g ke u ga brakhir baik. Hahahaha

tapi, kalo g jadi Dekil, mungkin g jg akan sangat bingung. G sayang bgt ma temen-temen g, pengen bantuin mereka, tapi g terlalu sayang ma orang itu sampai ga bisa ninggalin dia...

G pernah ngerasain beratnya harus ninggalin orang yang g sayang. And it's a big no no bgt deh buat kejadian lagi ma g. Sakit banget rasanya.. and another thanks to God, g ga pergi. Mungkin itu pilihan terbaik yang pernah g buat.. :)

Ok, balik ke topik. Jadiii.. Y gitulah, g cukup sebel ma kelakuan mahluk satu itu yang ga pengertian sama sekali. Kayaknya uda jelas banget deh kita lagi kekurangan orang, plis yaa. Ngerti dikit napa. Mw tw knp cewe u yg harus ikut? Bukan Ribka? Karena g ngerasa 3 serangkai itu y kita bertiga, bukan cella-agung-ribka. G rasa u juga tau deh.

Oiy, salah satu wish g buat tahun ini. Moga2 3 serangkai ini bakal lebih solid & akur dari taon lalu. Semoga ya..

Ya, wish jangka pendek g sih, moga2 dekil bisa ikut survival. Amiiinn.... :'D