
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Stay single until the time has come

Belakangan, rasanya agak galau sama status single. Kayaknya sih efek lagi berhemat. Hahaha. Kalo lagi mode hedon, being single is fun! Rasanya bebas dan ga usah ngurusin orang lain. Tapi karena lagi jaga dompet, berasa mau ini itu jadi mikir 2 kali, dan ujungnya berakhir dengan overthinking yang kumat. 

What if i have someone?

What if i stayed?

Trus hari ini, pas lagi scrolling Facebook, ketemu postingan ini.

Stay single until love feels effortless—until it flows as naturally as breathing, not something you have to chase or beg for. 🌷
Stay single until you don’t have to explain the bare minimum, until you’re not constantly teaching someone how to respect you, love you, or meet you halfway. Love should feel like home, not a lesson plan you have to keep repeating.
Stay single until you find someone who just knows—who pays attention, who listens, who makes an effort not because you asked but because they want to. Someone who understands the way you need to be loved, who doesn’t make you feel guilty for needing reassurance, affection, or consistency.
Stay single until you find the kind of love that makes you feel safe, heard, and held—not one that leaves you wondering if you’re asking for too much.

Rasanya kayak dibisikin sama semesta dan dikasih jawaban buat pertanyaan belakangan ini. Don't settle for less. 

Jadi buat sekarang, let's have fun with cowo-cowo 2D dulu. :)

Love should make me content, not anxious.

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