
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Somehere only i know

Let's stop pretending
Pack my luggage,
hold a one way ticket
to somewhere far away
with nobody i know
and no pressure will be
somewhere only i know

Friday, February 9, 2018

i can (not) be your hero, baby

What is the “Hero Syndrome”? 
It is an unconscious need to be needed, appreciated or valued that disguises itself as a good thing, but threatens to make you bitter and to overextend you. This insidious need will get met when you say yes and overpromise what you can deliver in order to be liked, please other people, or avoid the perceived consequences of saying no.

Pernah denger sindrom aneh di atas? Gw lupa tau soal sindrom ini darimana. Mungkin dari komik atau novel yang pernah gw baca. Dan setahun terakhir ini, gw mulai bertanya-tanya, apa mungkin gw punya sindrom aneh ini?

i tend to please everyone around me.
i'll be the one to stay late or start early.
i have a great satisfaction to be the only one who can solve a problem.
and i'll drop everything to help.

Tapi kalo dipikir lagi, gw masih bisa bilang NO kok. Dan gw ga berasa overhelmed dengan apa yang gw lakuin. Ya mungkin karena gw males juga kali ye. Jadi kalo uda berasaini nyusahin banget dan bukan tanggung jawab gw, i don't really put my mind into it. Jadi mungkin gw emang belom sampe taraf jadi "hero", tapi dalam perjalanan arah sana kalo gw tetep berusaha nyenengin semua orang.

Gw selalu berpikir, di senyumin orang itu menyenangkan. Dan dengan ngebantu orang lain, mereka bakal senyum ke gw. Rasanya kesel & cape yang gw kerjain langsung menguap begitu mereka ngasih "thanks" and smiling!

Kalo kata Ipin, dia bilang gw baek dan naif. Ya gw tau sih, orang baek ga ada yang ngaku-ngaku baek. Makanya gw bilang tadi, itu kata Ipin. Hahahahaha. Kalo kata si guru di film Wonder, "if you have to choose being right or being kind, choose kind". And i do it. Karena menurut gw, berbuat baik itu lebih gampang dari berbuat bener. Gw kan maunya yang gampang-gampang aja. :D

But to survive in this world, you can't choose kind. You must being right.
Karena baek aja ga cukup.
Dan gw belajar, lebih baik jadi licin, aktif, rajin, ulet, dan pekerja keras.
Daripada pinter, pengertian, dan baik. :')